Embarking on my adventure to the Philippines, I found myself captivated by the vibrant city of Manila and the enchanting allure of its historic walled enclave, Intramuros. Eager to delve into the intriguing tales of the city's past, I set out to explore the narratives of Spanish occupation, American colonization, and the tumultuous era of World War II. Little did I anticipate that amidst this tapestry of history, I would encounter the awe-inspiring story of a national hero, José Rizal, whose bravery and selflessness would leave an indelible imprint on my soul. Additionally, my time in Manila allowed me to immerse myself in the remarkable Manila Cathedral, a fascinating architectural masterpiece. From the moment I stepped foot in Manila, I was embraced by its vivacious spirit. The bustling streets, adorned with vibrant jeepneys and lively markets, painted a vivid picture of a city brimming with life. However, it was within the ancient walls of Intramuros that I found myself transpor...